KDA and Associates Description of Services

Contact us at @ (303) 744-7156 or Inquiries|@|KDAandAssociates.com
The “Fabulous Facilitator” Facilitation & Presentation Skills Training How often have you sat through a boring meeting or training session that added no value?  Hopefully none of them were yours!  In order to ensure that you deliver a dynamic and value-added agenda to your team there are some basic and advanced tricks of the trade. The Fabulous Facilitator workshop will teach you those tricks and help you be known as one of the BEST facilitators and presenters ever seen, whether you’re conducting a team meeting, a training session, or presenting to your peers or management team.  By the end of this session you’ll be able to facilitate a meeting on any topic, anywhere, and be Fabulous!

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Management and Leadership Workshops   Looking to build a high-performing team?  In order to attract and retain top performers, and to keep them motivated to exceed goals, your management team needs solid management skills and proven management behaviors they can immediately implement.

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Sales Workshops Set your sales team apart by giving them the tools they need to be the best.  The most important benefit of this course is that participants actually get work done while they’re there, meaning we’ll actually make calls to real referral sources to set up appointments and then prepare for those appointments, develop business plans, and time block follow-up activities.

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Understanding Your Behavioral Style to Increase Sales & Management Effectiveness Ever wondered why you just seem to click with some people and are at odds with others?  You need to understand your Behavioral Style!   “Style Selling” and “Style Management” may be the courses for you. Learn what your personal behavioral style is, and then determine the styles of the people you interact with on a regular basis.  Whether you’re working with clients or employees, you’ll learn specific, easy techniques to improve communication, effectiveness, and therefore productivity.

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Customized Curriculum Development / Instructional Design

A large percentage of our business is developing and implementing customized curriculum to meet the distinctive needs of different teams.  Whether you’re looking for a full-blown session covering several topics, a series of workshops that are facilitated over a period of weeks, or a one-time tactical training course addressing your biggest gap, we have the flexibility to make it happen.  We’ll work closely with you and your team to incorporate your culture and language, and ensure that participants know it was written just for them and their unique situations.

Call to discuss your customized curriculum.
Phone: (303) 744-7156

“Sales tripled and morale is the highest I’ve ever seen it since our team went through one of the KDA and Associates courses.”